Sunday, August 21, 2011

Fog of Faith

CC image courtesy of marfis75 on Flickr

~ Perhaps you’ve heard of sayings, such as “He looks like he’s in a fog” or “I’m feeling kind of foggy.”  These statements lead us to believe that fog is most often a bad thing—something that causes an impairment of some kind.  Lately, God has been showing me that sometimes he allows fog in our lives for His glory.  Let me explain:

I am a person who loves envisioning the big picture. I think big.  I dream big.  Though a person of short-stature, I have come to accept the belief that God has made me (and others) to be someone who does big things in this life.  Jesus himself said, “if anyone steadfastly believes in Me, he will himself be able to do the things that I do; and he will do even greater things than these…so that the Father may be glorified.” (John 14:12-13)

God loves a big heart that longs to live life doing great things for Him.  However, God is a good father that knows what we are capable of handling.  There have been times in my life that God has only let me see one thing at a time without showing me the end result. Take this blog, for instance.  I have no idea what the effects of writing it will be.  I can always guess, but all I truly know is that God told me to write it.  So, in obedience I write.  If God had told me the whole picture of what I’m supposed to do and who I’m supposed to be, I may get ahead of myself and go forward to accomplish the task independently without consulting God any further about the matter.  Therefore friends, I believe God sometimes puts a fog of faith in our paths so that we can only see so far ahead.

Meteorologically speaking, fog is nothing but a very low stratus cloud.  Sometimes this cloud even touches the ground.  Science tells us that when there are winds, fog near the ground can become thick and reduce visibilities to zero.  Have you ever driven at night when there is a cloud of fog in your path?  One of the scariest times of my teenage driving years came when I took a wrong turn on a country road coming home from a friend’s house.  The night was pitch black and the road was curvy.  To top it off, a thick fog had settled on the road.  I remember bats darting through my low beams.  Feeling panicked, I thought back to my driver’s education lessons and what little I knew about God.  Gripping the wheel tightly and driving slowly, I used the edge of the road as a guide and prayed a very poignant prayer that went something like, “Oh God, oh God, oh God!”  I made it home safely, but must say it was quite an experience for a new driver!

Our journey of life is similar.  If left to our own devices, no doubt we are going to get ourselves lost.  God will always lead us if we lean on Him.  However, to make sure we know from where our strength comes and to who the glory is attributed, He may only let us see what’s right in front of us at any given time.  After we accomplish the task at hand, He will allow us to see a little bit more.  Instead of letting this frustrate us, how much easier would our lives be if we learned to embrace this fog of faith, keeping our eyes fixed on Him and trusting that He will lead us to our destinations? ~

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